And All that, because of him. Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps March 28, 2021 And All that, because of him. superhero 151 Likes 19 Comments Pierre Francois Du Plessis Amna Khan Niazi Because that's his worst fear. All his friends dead and he's the only one alive and he can't do anything about it. Clara Jo Vicki Boo Fourth time the charm Donna Posey These are Marvel movies, he will die at some point... except not really just like everyone else Jennifer Krupa-Hawk Lorraine Moser Baron That was his character ark in iron man trilogy. From a arrogant rick dick to sacrifice own self for greater good kind of guy.... Muhammad Naseer He's not ready to die at all he's just willing to put his life on the line to save people, there's a massive difference, you're implying that he is suicidal when in actual fact he would just go to the furthest lengths to save people and stop evil Britteny Forbush Well yeah, he's a fictional character with plot armor so it never matters Ricardo DA Figueiredo Finally!! Sherlock Holmes 3 Chris Smith I think Steve will always win the self-sacrificing award. Imagine if he had Tony's armor. Bryan Soon I think thanos want to fuck tony. That’s for sure Michelle Donley I never really cared for Iron Man, he can die whenever he wants without me being sad at all. But damn, if he gets replaced with this useless Shuri, then I'll be really, really sad. Lena Jones Just let the man die! Aira Alexis Tapel or in this case, fourth attempt Mariella Busuttil What he did, was it any different from any of the other Avengers? (except of course Thor and Hulk who are almost immortal) They all put their lives on the line. Janet E Mountcastle Tony is the best Tyandra Chappell Don't worry, soon all avengers will be women and other pseudo genders. Renee Hodge In the original marval comics, he was the next holder of the infinity stones after Thanos Gurung Aru Sould have died in invinity war But no even there they dare to do anything with a real meaning or impact Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments
Amna Khan Niazi
Clara Jo
Vicki Boo
Donna Posey
Jennifer Krupa-Hawk
Lorraine Moser Baron
Muhammad Naseer
Britteny Forbush
Ricardo DA Figueiredo
Chris Smith
Bryan Soon
Michelle Donley
Lena Jones
Aira Alexis Tapel
Mariella Busuttil
Janet E Mountcastle
Tyandra Chappell
Renee Hodge
Gurung Aru